Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Meeting of 30th September

Torrevieja Writers Circle meeting of 30th September.

On this cooler morning eighteen writers assembled for the monthly 'Hot Pen' which is always well attended and the challenge is accepted as a matter of course.

We have a newcomer and Vida Nelson introduced herself and we welcomed her.

Maureen asked for our views on her 'blurb' for the back cover of her book and there were constructive comments made during a full discussion.  She will bring it again next week for our further views.
John Mac  gave us his version of the progress of radio and the effect upon him in Radio Goo Goo. which was inspired by a previous theme.
Heather broached the subject of dementia and the fact that they like to read 'out-a-loud' and asked for poems that were suitable for them to be read.

The poet Elizabeth Bishop's poem The Weed provided the random selected word of CAUTIOUS.

All eighteen attendees read and it was remarked upon that apart from two all the subjects or themes chosen to write upon were different.  This variety of ideas was dissimilar to most previous 'hot pens'.   Some reflected past experiences and some came from the imagination.  The initial thoughts upon this word were not encouraging it was later said, but we all produced something.  There were thoughtful and profound ones that rubbed shoulders with good old rhyming lines, re-produced stories and some hilarity.  I hope some of these words produced today will spark and idea or two in future days.

I reminded them of the theme for nest week which is TERRIBLE BEAUTY and there was a short discussion on what could be written on it.

Again we had a new face joining our group and Vida is one of several new writers that have come to us in the past months.

John Edwards

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