Thursday, 17 September 2015

English Language 500 years ago

At yesterday's Torrevieja Writer's meeting - covered elsewhere on the blog by John - we discussed how language changes with use and has done throughout the ages as new words, pronunciations, accents and indeed languages themselves changed and influenced our way of speaking. As immigrants swelled the native population in greater or lesser numbers, their influences and customs gradually changed us as they assimilated, learned English and contributed to our rich literary heritage.  

On Tuesday the i100 (from The Independent) ran a piece on the subject and included a video of a political satire written 500 years ago, read by a Dutch University Professor, pronouncing each word as close to Middle English as possible.Check it out at 
Fascinating Stuff! LD.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful how it was spoken and to see the similarities of many of the words. Well done for putting this post on.
