Friday 2 September 2011

blog for 31/8/11

Ian opened by welcoming back Norma who told us that she had come to say adieu to those attending as she was leaving Spain for an indefinite period due to her husband's ill health. We wish her well and hope to see her if she returns.

Before getting down to this weeks hot pen, Brenda  read a poem written on  her rain sodden visit to Dublin which was very atmospheric and painted a vivid picture in the mind.

The buzz word for this week's hot pen was GONE. It never ceases to amaze how one little word can lead to so many interpretations.

 Michael  took us to an auction house where a Dresden dish went under the hammer- literally.

Brenda set her story in the prohibition era on the "going" of the boss man and the ensuing  sibling rivalry on his successor.

John M then read about the sentiments of a husband followin his wife's leaving him for pastures new.

Norma told how her dreams of peaceful early retirement had gone by the diagnosis of her husbands motor neurone disease.

Jenny lighteneed the mood with a conversation piece between two girls in a bar and the 'moving on' of thee Lothario smoothie\who had gone and targeted another victim.

Mary didn't disappoint by producing two more amusing limericks on the theme. She seems to  have been taken over by them as she toldd the group she's been composing them over the weekend.

Avril also had poetry about not looking back on past life which was gone but to look forward hopefully to the future. A lesson I could do to take on board Avriil/

Anne G wrote a conversaton piece betweek a husband and wife over a ruined Sunday dinner.

Jane wrote about a lady whose husband had left, the annoying thing being that he had pre-empted her own planned departure from an unhappy marriage.

Lisa wrote a very atmospheric  piece  about a day at the sseaside with Nanny- You've gone and done it now.

John read a moving poem about the last time a repatriated soldier will parade through Wootten Bassett as the government have decided to return casualties of war to Brize Norten.

Ian wrote on the hackneyed supermarket slogan 'Whe its gone its gone'. Makes you wonder who thinks these things up.

As all hot pens had been completed by half time, the second half dissolved into chaos. We each had to write three personal statements, two false and one true. Then again, was it two true and one false. The others had to then guess which was true/false. See what I mean- confusion reigned, but good fun though.

 See you Wednesday next.     Anne Grierson

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