Thursday 6 October 2011

5th October 2011

It’s the time of year to plan the programme of events.  Ian asked for suggestions regarding format, exercises and critique.  He stressed the importance of encouraging people to write when we put together the programme.

The group has accumulated a pot of money, some of which we need to consider spending.  Various suggestions were made including a coach trip to include a written piece about the event.  Possibly an Xmas gathering.  Members to let Ian know via email or telephone any thoughts and he will bring the suggestions to the next meeting.

Ian has received the first copy of ‘Writers’ after our renewed subscription.  A list to be attached next week for members to borrow the copy.

Brenda Told us about her 3 chapter submission to Darley Anderson publishers.  She read out their late response to her.  Thanks but no thanks!  Plenty more to go Brenda.  Don’t be disheartened.

Left over’s from last week went first.

Mary read limericks about Ron, Rose, May and June (you might write one for each month of the year Mary?)  Limericks rated highly, accent rated zero.  As always, much fun.

Ann Gave us her twist in the tale, monologue style, on the theme of ‘will she ever shut up’.  The style that suits Ann’s writing.  Give us some more!

Jayne had re-edited one of her stories of France about the school she helped in for a while.  A story about Stefan and Marie Clare.  Some members remembered the story when it was read out the first time earlier this year. Mixed thoughts about making it into two stories.  Some detail changes were suggested.  The anthology has now reached 80,000 words.   Lots of advice and suggestions of how to publish and edit.  Also the possibility of short pieces for the radio to get her work recognised.  Her reading of the pieces is so warm it would be a shame to lose it.

Avril ‘Blabby Annie’ a poem of conversation and celebration making us smile again Avril.

Georgia Varjes attended as a founder member of the group to celebrate her 10 years in Spain and tell us about her self published anthology ‘Words on the Wild Side.’ She read a poem ‘For my Grandmother’ from the collection.  Georgia told us about Create Space, the organisation she used to publish the book.  She felt that it was a worthwhile experience, proof reading her own work and editing it. 

Alan ‘Old Profession Adapts.’  A piece about the experience of selling a two week timeshare.  Lack of clarity about the legalities, the ever changing advice and endless hoops to jump through.  Not forgetting Ramirez and Ramirez eager to take up the case but not without money up front.  It was thought wordy, but worthy of editing for a newspaper or magazine.

Margaret (that’s me) Wrote a prose piece about a child defending her mum’s honour and winning the race.  Advice was that the written conversation needed some work.

Ian pointed out that a conversation piece was next week’s theme, so we could all go and practice.  200 – 300 words.

Cathy Read her poem about ‘Valletta’ the Maltese City.  She called it Golden Valletta’ Very fitting.  The poem was well received.  It was suggested that the word ‘morn’ could be replaced.  Her second piece from a previous week’s exercise ‘The Promise’  was very short and comments suggested that it could be a poem, perhaps change the word ‘sound’ in this piece.

Iarla read a prose piece ‘Isolation Therapy’ Detailed description of an appliance, its use, maintenance and effect.  A trimmer.  His attention to detail and the possibilities and disasters this object could have on personal grooming was clever and entertaining.

Alan brought Spike back to us, called ‘Spike’s Investigations’ this was about his holiday with and without his family.  Comments were that more was needed about the kennels, for example the staff there, the food, and other ‘inmates’.  Give us more Alan.

Jerry His prose piece was read by Maureen about the end of the world in 2012.  It began with reference to early history 800’s when society‘s instinct led to social change.  The idea that instinct and thinking changes reality was put forward.  Perhaps 2012 is the end of one reality and the beginning of another, based on instinct rather than our scientific knowledge.  Comments were that it was a very informative and well written piece worthy of submission to and appropriate magazine or journal.

Any names changed/misspelled/omitted is just to protect the innocent.  Forgive!


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