Saturday 28 August 2010

Blind dates, lamplight and terrorists

Although this session was planned as a Hot Pen morning, there were a couple of leftovers from last week, so we heard from new Anne with her poem on the theme ‘too damned hot’ which ably summed up Brit expats’ feelings about the weather (they’re never happy). Then John McG gave us an amusing reminiscence about a blind date where ignorance was not bliss.

The hot pen word was ‘lamplight’ and each member had 10 minutes to write something featuring that word. As usual, the resultant material was varied in content and tone.

Mary K wrote an amusing poem about dating, maybe reflecting on John’s piece, maybe not. Jane gave us more of her French memoirs; one day, her collection of amusing, sad and memorable anecdotes may go out to a publisher. Anne reflected on the street gas lamps during the Second World War when she was four. Jenny and Heather wrote about camping, while Brenda posed a mystery with a dead man and a gun. Lisa provided a word picture of Van Gogh’s lamplit painting. John McG mused upon Lili Marleen, while Rob tackled online dating and chat down line (opposite to chat up!). Nik brought groans with his ‘lambs plight in the lamplight’. John McI’s poem was about soccer in the street, when all boys were superstars. Gerry committed murder in the street in an atmospheric piece, while John M went on holiday in a Swiss campsite. Norma told us how she disliked evenings because of those monstrous shadows, and Douglas gave us a poem about squaddies after girls. Ann read a poem about a shoeless drunk – makes a change from being legless.

There was still time for readings after the break. Brenda read a section of her ongoing novel, this time from Elizabeth’s diary. Plenty of atmosphere and dialogue, but the dramatic moments could do with more. Norma read about her work as a Councillor. John M read out his synopsis for a novel about a terrorist plot and gained insight from several comments on how to improve it – the storyline and the synopsis.

Yet another good session, with 15 attendees.


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