My Homework by Gerry Carton
My books stacked high full of knowledge
Pen in hand, ink ready to flow.
This is my gate way to college
But first each answer blow by blow
The first hour passes I'm off and
Two subjects down and four to go
Maths was a breeze but French is
What interest to me Monsieur Latour's
The weight of history makes me dour
The armada sinks without a trace
My favourite program starts in an hour
I want to see it now it's a race
Dickens poses questions deep and
He's not the only one with Hard Times
For inspiration I look to The Almighty
Oh no! Is that the clock's chimes?
Finally I've reached the last, it's
Describe an operation and leave no
A flash of inspiration, I have the
I grab a text book and rip it's
appendix out.
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