Saturday 17 July 2010

Mozzies Are Bastards.

A suggestion was made by a member that as well as the weekly readings and the monthly hot pens, more time should be given to discussion of writing, of problems experienced in the writing process, in fact anything relevant that members wish to bring up.

It was generally agreed that we should do this even if it meant that not everyone would be given time to read . If this should be the case, the person/s in question should receive priority the following week.

The subject for the week was Why On Earth...? or David´s Last decision.

Jane wrote a piece on the first subject. I apologise to Jane for failing to make a note of what her piece was about. Telephone calls have proved fruitless. Mea Culpa!

Stan once more wrote a reminiscence about a rugby game between teams of priests and vicars in 1958. Not much brotherly love lost there with one of the priests snarling "I´ll have you for that you bastard!"

Gerry carried on his story of the cavalryman surrounded by indians, rescued at the last minute.

John Major´s piece called The Day of the Big Match very cleverly told the story of a husband and wife cheating on each other in different ways.

Michael told an anecdote which included a rather witty but cruel putdown.

Chris´s poem, inspired by the topic Water, was the Caravaca story recounted in three voices.

Douglas came up with a mild rant called "Never Enough".

Jenny´s poem, "Mozzies Are Bastards" explains the picture at the top.

Mary K had left her poetry comfort zone and ventured into prose for the start of what could become a novel.

John McG wrote a poem called "Toy Boy"

A lively discussion began on poetry, and what it actually was.

So ended the week´s meeting. Another pleasant and stimulating one.

Chris J

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