After much discussion we consider that our blog is important for our writing group and it's continued regular use is an item to stay with us. This subject was thrashed about for a good 15 minutes, and out of it, thanks to one members perseverance the following was agreed upon.
NEXT WEEK, the matter to be written upon, will be 'SUMMER'. All are commanded to write something during the week for it to be examined, in full, next Wednesday morning. That should not be too demanding as we are looking for a mere 100 words.
After considerable perusal it is intended that these efforts can be posted on the blog.
I am of the opinion that those daring to write and read their work should be the only ones to be allowed to comment upon another's work. Being negative for a split second I feel that this subject does not excite me (at the moment), but since I will feel compelled to comment I will have to write!
No old stuff, please, although you can re-work something from the past.
Betty is excused this theme as she wants to write ' about her visitor from hell'. It better had be fun and she can now relax and tell us all about her, now that the bitch has gone home.
Discussions on readings were many, they were varied and dealt with the words before them. One discussion took the form of whether work should be 'polished' or recent and raw. Although one can look ahead for themes to allow more time there is the other view that writing for every theme only gives the writer a few days. Several members said that they wrote on impulse and hence their work was new. So, your choice, take the gamble or edit it to death.
From a group of 18 attendees, 13 read some of their own work which created different ideas on the theme of 'Wedding Party'. Some were serious, some were funny and invoked laughter with some being poetic. I have notes on all of them, but I have chosen to select two for different reasons.
Tommy gave us 'Rosie'. This story has been in his head for 20 years and ought to have been written long before. It was powerful. It was compelling and written with a female voice. Images were very well created with comments that resounded with us. Like, when referring to two participants, as 'Bitch and a Fraud' and ended with with the recall of a dream. Details of this story can be told later.
Andrea recently has joined us, challenged our senses, with a full account of a church wedding, but with a twist. Beautifully crafted and read. I won't say anymore as you could read it elsewhere.
Okay and finally this is group of writers and the challenge for next week is to write a hundred words on SUMMER - so get at it!
I have made this one shorter and I will not write up the next one. Anyone prepared to do it?
COMMENTS please.
John Edwards 17th June.
Another good meeting with lots of discussion. The choice of Tom's and Andrea's pieces to highlight was spot on. Looking forward to next week when we are going to work on pieces that we have written on the subject of " Summer" with a view to many of the items being published on this blog. We also need volunteers to report on the blog and keep it fresh.
ReplyDeleteIan C
I would like to thank everyone for making me welcome and for your kind comments on my first piece. Without your encouragement I wouldn't have had the nerve to read 'in public' so thank you. Andrea Peers