Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Wednesday's Meeting


It is getting more interesting as we approach the commencement of our new programme with some very good work being read.

Today sixteen members attended with most reading (sometimes more than one item) either on the theme or from a piece that they have been working on.

Today's phrase was 'My tyre is flat' and it went through many interpretations as active minds went into overdrive.   Yes, again, there was humour and laughter.  One piece entitled 'Swaledale Singers' had a change of name to 'The Swaledale Swingers' where with a clever use of musical terms and an imagination that went with the change of name it received plaudits. Other work was in poetry form and it is pleasing to see how this genre is progressing in styles and quality.

There was one poem that originated from last week's theme and this shows that work can/should be 'ongoing' and when is a piece ever finished?

We also had one that was based in a real life experience in South Africa, also on the theme, and with a great twist at the end said in the South African way with a fun ending.  This was a wonderful cameo making good use of 'word association' and political correctness.  The theme was also taken seriously with one 700 word story.

Again we had supportive discussions on the work of individuals and what the end result could be.  Word usage and meanings were also bandied about. More in depth feedback could be the useful end product of emailing work in advance.

Some of the writers had based their story or poem on past life experiences, presumably, believing in the adage of, write what you know.  The thinking is that there will have to be future occasions when the imagination will have to be the main source of words on the page.  The new programme will encourage this.

Writing on a theme I have found to be a challenge and worth taking on.  It can send me somewhere that I had not considered I would ever arrive at.  That, for me, is the challenge and with only a week between each meeting a good use of time has to be paramount.

Next week we hope that the words 'Beyond Belief' could open up some thoughts.

In writing this report I have used 'PROGRAMME' a British way of spelling except when talking about 'computer programs' which is the same spelling as used in the USA.  The verb 'to program' has the same spelling.  It just goes to show that one can never be too careful with the the written word.

I have not alluded to all the work that was read so that this entry is not too long.

John Edwards

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