Wednesday, 1 July 2015

A 'Hot Pen' Morning

One more Wednesday morning at The Olympia Restaurant, Mil Palmeras saw the writers of TORREVIEJA WRITERS GROUP members make their offerings on the theme of 'Fate'.  Of the seventeen members only nine read on this, it seems, not so popular subject.  I declined on the meagre grounds of 'I didn't want to write' on it.  I felt that it was a subdued gathering and all being well the heat of this Spanish summer will not suppress inspiration and the need to write on future occasions.

It is important to put the morning into perspective and say that there is always some golden words to be found.  We had time in the second half for 'a hot pen'. The intention is simply to put people 'on-the-spot' and bloody well write something because this is a writing group.  

One or two of us agreed to put our words, with only a minimum of time and thought, as a story or poem on the given word of 'jewel' on the blog. I was amazed how some wrote so easily with rhyme, although not all.

Here is my effort - Barry Jewel

'It's an odd name to have.  I remember him, not as clearly, as I would have liked.  Yes, Barry Jewel at seventeen or eighteen so, with black wiry hair, a squarish face, large dark eyes that could have hinted at his character.

I can visualize him now, the memory is coming back.  A being with not a nice face, in fact, ugly.  He never made it.  No one liked him and that is why he never did make it.

They said that he put his head on the line, perhaps, when the tracks began to tremble and sing.

The curve of the line and the Permanent Way workers hut his body from view.

The driver could do nothing to stop the waste of another young life.

A headstone records the bare details.'
John Edwards

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